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The Alps Group Issues a Joint Statement on Advancements in Resolving the Crisis in Sudan

The ALPS Group convened their weekly virtual meeting on September 12 to discuss expanding emergency humanitarian access and protections for Sudanese civilians. Currently, over 25 million Sudanese are facing famine and acute hunger.

With more options for humanitarian access, international donors and aid organizations are ramping up efforts to provide additional assistance, including food, medicine, and aid for the most vulnerable, like women and children.

This assistance has the potential to save many lives and ease the suffering of millions of Sudanese individuals.

While the recent commitments to humanitarian access from the Transitional Sovereign Council, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are appreciated, there is a call for them to ensure unhindered, safe, and swift access on crucial roads. These roads include the route from Port Sudan through Shendi to Khartoum, as well as the paths from Khartoum to El Obeid and Kosti.

Additionally, the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) is urged to finalize discussions with the humanitarian community on simplifying the notification system. Both parties should make public announcements and implement simplified notification systems to allow UN and NGOs to conduct aid deliveries without delays.

The ALPS Group expresses deep concern about the escalating violence in El Fasher and Darfur, calling for an immediate halt to the fighting. They also advocate for humanitarian pauses in Sennar, Khartoum, and al-Jazira states to enable aid flow into these regions.

To expedite the delivery of humanitarian aid and enhance humanitarian presence, the ALPS Group urges the RSF and SAF to allow immediate airfield assessments and humanitarian flights within Sudan.

The ALPS Group demands that perpetrators of war crimes and violations of international law, including humanitarian law, be held accountable. While the RSF has issued a directive to improve civilian protection, the Group urges enforcement, especially in response to recent civilian casualties.

Similarly, the SAF is asked to issue a similar directive to cease aerial bombing of civilian targets and infrastructure.

Efforts are also underway to establish a compliance mechanism for the obligations outlined in the Jeddah Declaration to prevent violations by parties involved.

The ALPS Group emphasizes the importance of ongoing consultations with Sudanese women as part of their work.

Driven by the Sudanese people’s demands, the ALPS Group continues to push for a much-needed ceasefire across Sudan.

Communication distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation.


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