Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeAfricaECOWAS Field Visit Highlights Humanitarian Efforts and Ongoing Needs in the Gambia

ECOWAS Field Visit Highlights Humanitarian Efforts and Ongoing Needs in the Gambia

Day 2 of the mission saw the ECOWAS Field Monitoring and Evaluation Mission in The Gambia continue, visiting the flood-affected communities of Nyofelleh, Fass Omar Saho, and Munyagen. The purpose of this mission is to thoroughly assess the effectiveness of the humanitarian aid given in response to the 2022 flood disaster and food crises.

During the visit, the delegation interacted with local beneficiaries who expressed their sincere gratitude for the assistance provided by ECOWAS. This aid has been crucial in meeting critical needs, such as securing essential food items and repairing homes damaged by the floods. Beneficiaries emphasized the significant relief that this aid has brought, especially in helping them stabilize their living conditions post-disaster.

A resident of Fass Omar Saho shared the community’s gratitude, stating, “We are deeply thankful for the support from ECOWAS. It has allowed us to rebuild our homes and ensure food security for our families. However, there are others in our community still in need, and we hope that this support can be extended to help them as well.”

Similarly, a beneficiary in Munyagen mentioned, “The financial assistance, though modest, has made a real difference in our lives. It enabled us to buy food and make essential repairs to our homes, which were severely affected by the floods. We wish for ECOWAS to continue and broaden this support so that more people can benefit.”

The delegation noted that the aid delivery process was appreciated for its transparency and efficiency, reducing conflicts and ensuring that the most vulnerable were prioritized. Residents expressed a strong desire for ECOWAS to uphold its commitment to supporting member states, including The Gambia, as they recover from these challenges.

This field visit not only showcased the positive outcomes of ECOWAS’s humanitarian efforts but also highlighted the ongoing challenges in these communities. The feedback gathered will be essential in shaping future ECOWAS humanitarian strategies, ensuring that relief efforts are sustained and expanded to reach more vulnerable populations.

The mission will continue with a planned visit to another community, where further assessments will be done to gather more insights and evaluate the continued impact of the aid provided.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).


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