Monday, February 24, 2025
HomeHealthOrganic Garden: Using Natural Pesticides

Organic Garden: Using Natural Pesticides

Gardening can be a great way to save money and eat the freshest food, but it also comes with its fair share of frustrations. From pest management to proper watering, there are a lot of factors involved, especially if you’re using organic methods to avoid synthetic pesticides. Here are some natural pesticide options so your body (and the environment!) will thank you!

Fortunately, there are several ways to wage war against pests without resorting to harmful pesticides and insecticides. Companion planting, proper spacing, and natural pest control methods help ensure a healthy garden.

The Battle of the Bug

Insecticides, herbicides, and other pesticides come with their fair share of problems. Side effects of exposure range from skin irritation to breathing problems (to death in extreme cases!) It depends on the pesticide being used and the person using it. Even if someone doesn’t have any immediate side effects it’s still getting onto the food we’re eating. Plus it gets into the soil, our water, and our environment.

Some organic gardeners simply swap synthetic pesticides with organic pesticides. But let’s look at the bigger picture first. Our backyard vegetable garden is a part of the overall ecosystem. Some bugs are helpful for plants (like pollinators and ladybugs) and we actually want them around. Botanical insecticides can sometimes also kill the good bugs.

Before pulling out the natural insecticide, here are some things to try first!

Organic Garden Pest Control: Is It Possible?

Controlling pests in the home garden is possible, but I’ll be honest… it takes some work! Nothing crushes your gardening dreams finding your cabbages chewed to bits overnight.

Step 1: Be Proactive!

Take the time to walk through the garden for 5 minutes every day. This is called “scouting.” Look at the plants, turn over the leaves, and check the soil for signs of pest damage — eggs, larvae, chewed leaves, etc.

If you see any damage signs, act immediately. And yes, if you really want an organic garden, that may mean hand-picking and even squishing bugs. I prefer the soapy bucket approach. If you find adult bugs or larvae that like to munch, remove them (or the leaf any eggs are attached to) and put them in a bucket of soapy water.

Hand-picking bugs and other pests out of the garden isn’t practical for a large-scale problem. But if you use the organic pest control steps above you’ll hopefully prevent out-of-control situations. Frequent and close observation means you’ll be ready before disaster strikes!

Step 2: Use Companion Planting

Some plants have natural properties that help others grow and deter pests when planted close by. Making use of these is a way to increase garden production and fit more plants into a smaller space. The following are a few popular companion plants:

  • Basil – Basil planted with tomato improves production and flavor. It’s also good for peppers and has been said to repel mosquitoes. I plant basil throughout the garden for its aroma and beneficial properties.
  • Borage – A great companion for tomatoes and cabbage as it repels both tomato hornworms and cabbage moths. It also helps strawberries and is beneficial to practically everything in the garden. I plant throughout.
  • Chamomile – A great companion for cabbage, cucumbers, onions, and all the brassicas. It improves flavor and is a great herb to have on hand. It attracts beneficial insects and has delicate and beautiful flowers. Plus it makes a yummy calming tea!
  • Dill – I like to plant this with cabbages, cucumbers, lettuce, and more. It improves flavor, helps repel pests, and is useful in making homemade pickles! Dill also attracts parasitic wasps that kill bugs like aphids and tomato worms. It can get pretty big so I plant in the middle of cucumber beds.
  • Catnip – Planted near squash and cucumbers it repels squash bugs and aphids. Steep the dried leaves in a tea to help soothe the stomach, and spray the tea on plants as a pest control spray!
  • Radishes – These can be planted throughout the garden and under plants like cucumbers to deter cucumber beetles.
  • Marigolds – Planted throughout the garden these help prevent nematodes and repel pests. They’ll flower all summer as long as you keep pulling the dead flowers off.
  • Nasturtiums – Another great companion flower to tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and more. The flowers are edible and are great in salads. They benefit melons and squashes as well.
  • Onions – These can be planted freely throughout the garden to deter pests from cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, and more. Intercropping a few with all of these plants can greatly reduce garden pests.
  • Sunflowers – Great companions and beautiful throughout the garden. Plant with cucumbers, beans, and vining plants to provide a trellis. They’re hardy and a great trap crop for aphids and other pests. They typically produce plenty of their own seeds to use next year.

There are many other great companion plants. Check out this chart for some other ideas.

Step 3: Use Homemade Pesticides and Repellants

Companion planting is helpful, but if you’ve already planted and are having trouble with pests, some homemade insecticides can be helpful:

  • Kelp tea helps deter Japanese beetles and aphids and nourishes plants. Spray once a week or so before and during infestation times.
  • A garlic and hot pepper spray (see recipe below) repels many garden insects and wildlife pests. It’s probably the most inexpensive option to make at home and isn’t harmful to you while applying. Use once a week or more for several weeks before and during infestation times.
  • Lemon balm tea repels squash bugs and aphids. Apply 2 or more times a week as needed.
  • A few teaspoons of baking soda in water can help prevent and treat fungus and powdery mildew on plants. Use as a preventative and acute treatment as needed.

Bottom Line on Natural Pesticides

It takes a little more work and planning, but it’s very possible to garden without toxic pesticides. The most important thing is to be observant so pests don’t have a chance to take over. The tasty (and healthy!) food you grow is well worth it!

Do you garden organically? What are your best tips and tricks for garden pest control?


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