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HomeHealthDiscover What Triggers Your Smoking Habit and Break Free for Good

Discover What Triggers Your Smoking Habit and Break Free for Good

Adrian Diaz Bulibasa made the decision to quit smoking after 15 years. He felt it was necessary because he wanted to have a baby and didn’t want his future child’s health to be compromised by his smoking habits.

However, quitting was challenging for him. Bulibasa, who resides in London and serves as the editor-in-chief of, enjoyed smoking and the social aspect that accompanied it. He found pleasure in going to restaurants with friends and family, sitting outdoors, and having a drink or coffee while smoking.

Merely telling himself to quit wasn’t effective. He needed to understand where, when, and why he smoked. He soon realized that most of the time he smoked, it wasn’t due to a nicotine craving, but rather because of the habits he had formed around smoking.

Identifying triggers that prompt the urge to smoke is crucial. These triggers can arise in various situations such as social gatherings, meal times, or stressful periods. Recognizing and managing these triggers is essential in the process of quitting smoking.

Changing habits and routines plays a significant role in the quitting process. Alma E. Anderson, MA, assistant director of the Arizona Center for Tobacco Cessation, emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing triggers to eliminate smoking habits that strengthen the urge to smoke.

Some triggers are tied to a physical craving for nicotine, while others are related to routine activities or emotional states. By reflecting on one’s day and identifying what reminds them of smoking, individuals can start recognizing their triggers and take steps to address them.

Bulibasa successfully quit smoking by identifying his triggers associated with restaurants, meals, coffee, alcohol, and sexual activities. He made changes to his routines, such as avoiding smoking areas during breaks and keeping cigarettes out of reach to combat after-sex cravings.

By managing emotional triggers through distraction activities and following the four Ds (Delay, Do something else, Drink water, Deep breathing), individuals can effectively combat smoking urges triggered by various situations.

To successfully manage smoking triggers, one should avoid situations that promote smoking, engage in activities that divert attention, and consider seeking emotional support or engaging in physical exercises. Bulibasa gradually conquered his triggers and eventually quit smoking after reducing his daily intake gradually.

By focusing on managing triggers each day, Bulibasa was able to build his strength and overcome the desire to smoke. His journey of quitting smoking was a gradual process, but he ultimately succeeded in his battle against smoking.


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